I want to be able to make a folder with the post name and have the post live inside of it as index.md.

In order to use markdown files to make a blog with Sapper, two things matter - the page needs to exist, and there needs to be a programmatic way to find its url. This translates to the two types of Sapper routes - Pages and Server Routes

The first, in a roundabout way, is provided by Sapper by default.

Normally, pages generated from markdown content would follow the dynamic route pattern, but they need to be treated as regular page files, without the _ prefeix, to be picked up by mdsvex. Since Sapper natively supports the ES6 module/index.js pattern, this automatically works.

└─ posts/
  └─ post-one/
    └─ index.md
  └─ post-two/
    └─ index.md

The second, despite the use of mdsvex, needs to be accomplished using Server Routes the traditional Sapper way. This post by Mahmoud Ashraf is super helpful in showing how to create an index.json.js file that Sapper will put at /posts.json. To use the module index file pattern, the fs.readdirSync function needs to be modified to look into the post directories and resolve their index.md file.

const posts = fs.readdirSync(route)
	.filter(file => isDir(`${route}/${file}`))
	.map(file => {
		const post = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(route, `${file}/index.md`), 'utf-8')
		return {...post, slug: file}

This will create a json endpoint that can then be fetched against on the post/index.svelte page and its data used to built a list of links to each post.

<script context="module">
  export function preload({ params, query }) {
    return this.fetch(`/posts.json`)
    .then(r => r.json())
    .then(posts => {
      return { posts };

  {#each posts as post}
    <li><a href='posts/{post.slug}'>{post.title}</a></li>